The Student Assistance Program is a school based comprehensive prevention and intervention program for students in Kindergarten through grade 12. This professional team-based approach is a systematic process designed to provide education, prevention, early identification, intervention, referral and support services for students exhibiting risk behaviors or obstacles which are interfering with their education. The positive influence of Student Assistance Programs encourages student success in the school environment, fosters risk reduction and positive asset development, provides a safe environment and promotes opportunities for knowledge, skill, and attitude development. Key components are developmental curriculum and education, policy, staff and community in-service and education, early identification, development or support processes, use of community resource, and ongoing evaluation of program effectiveness.
Mission Statement for Student Assistance Programs
The Student Assistance Program utilizes a multidisciplinary team and intervention system to remove the educational and behavioral barriers which interfere with student learning, and works to enhance the developmental assets of students. This goal is accomplished by providing strategies and support to the school community and parents to improve their ability to help students succeed in school. The team also arranges access to other school and community resource as necessary for an effective intervention.